BAN Nukes Twin Ports

Twin Ports Campaign to Abolish 

Nuclear Weapons

The likelihood of a nuclear catastrophe is greater today than during the cold war, and the public is completely unaware of the danger.”

Former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry

Nuclear weapons must never be used. Abolition is the only way for humanity to avoid the dangers of nuclear weapons.”

Tomihisa Taue, Mayor of Nagasaki, Japan

The Issue:

There are 13,500 nuclear weapons in the world today. 
The  simple  existence of nukes threatens everyone.
Only the abolition of all nukes will prevent a nuclear accident, mistake, or  nuclear war.

Take Action: 

Become informed. Check out the fact sheets and video below

The Problem:

Our government refuses to join the Treaty or work to abolish all nuclear weapons. 
Without U.S leadership the other eight nuclear nations will not join.

Take Action:

Support  House Resolution 77 

Join the campaign as an individual or  organization. 

The Solution : 

The Campaign is working to build local support for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. 
We asked the Duluth city council to pass  resolutions to support the treaty.  This action failed on a 4 to 4 vote.  But we are not giving  up! 

Take Action:

Sign the Statement of Support 
Send a letter:  Duluth City Council

Statement of Support for Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

Declare your support for abolishing all nuclear weapons worldwide and for the United States signing the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. 

By signing you will help us prove that people in the Twin Ports area are concerned about the dangers of nuclear weapons and want their government (at all levels) to take sensible steps to reduce nuclear tensions and eventually create a world free of nuclear weapons. 

FOR "CITY" please use the municipality where you vote. If this is a rural township, use the county name.    

PRIVACY NOTE:  You may sign anonymously if you wish. You may "opt out" of future contact and will not be added to any email lists. 

This online tool was created for the Twin Ports Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons by World Beyond War, one of the partners in our coalition   

Send a letter to the Duluth City Council and Mayor 

Your letter will be sent to Mayor Larson and the Duluth City Council. You are encouraged to customize the letter.   
A personalized message can make a bigger impact!

Helpful talking points on nuclear weapons

Support House Resolution 77

Contact your U.S. House Representative to urge support for H. Res. 77

The resolution calls on the United States to “embrace the goals and provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). H. Res. 77 calls on our government to: 
  • Begin new, nuclear arms control and disarmament negotiations for verifiable, enforceable, and timebound elimination of global nuclear arsenals
  • Renounce the option of “first use” of nuclear weapons
  • End the President’s sole authority to launch a nuclear attack
  • Take U.S. nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert
  • Cancel plans to replace the current U.S. nuclear arsenal with new, modernized and enhanced weapons, delivery systems and manufacturing facilities
For more infomation go to Back From the Brink

Can We Prevent Nuclear War?

Dr. Ira Helfand, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and Back from the Brink.
Dr. Helfand discusses the threat to human survival posed by nuclear weapons and what we can do to eliminate this threat. 

“Even a very ‘limited’ nuclear war, involving less than 0.5% of the world’s nuclear weapons, would be enough to cause catastrophic global climate disruption and a worldwide famine, putting up to 2 billion people at risk.”

Dr. Ira Helfand

Contact Us:

To join the campaign as an individual or an organization contact us using the script below or email us at  
Name E-mail Message Submit

About Twin Ports Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (TPCan)

The Coalition is a non-partisan group of citizens and civic organizations working to build a safer, more secure, nuclear weapons free world.

Our partners include: The Northland Grandmothers for Peace, League of Women Voters -Duluth, Veterans for Peace Ch 80, Loaves and Fishes, Duluth Society of Friends, Twin Ports Democratic Socialists of American, Peace and Justice Hub- Peace Church,  NukeWatch, Back From the Brink, World Beyond War Upper Midwest Chapter,  Northwoods Socialist Collective, The Unitarian-Universalist Congregation Justice Team.   

Twin Ports Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons